My Experience Interning at Fabulous Magazine - Week Two

By Chloe - 15:29

After the extra day off work (to catch up on sleep - thank you bank holiday) I was actually rather excited to get back into the office on Tuesday and really tackle the mess we'd left over the weekend in the fashion cupboard.

I mainly tackled special deliveries or seeking out items people had requested to be returned before I was asked to greet and help the new intern - Mary - and help settle her in (due to daisy being poorly) so I basically showed her the ropes and we tackled the huge pile of special deliveries (I reckon we sent off around 3/4 of what was there which is quite impressive considering the pile was waist height when we arrived today!!) and generally tidying (and honestly the fashion cupboard has never looked so clean!!). I also liased with the PRs via email as usual (and Lynne the fashion editor even said that some thought I was the new fashion assistant because I was doing a good job!!! How amazing, not to toot my own horn but 🎺🎺)

Wednesday was spent doing the usual returns and special deliveries, however on Thursday I went to my first shoot!! It was for the staff fashion pages where they show how they'd wear 3 seasonal trends - PVC, 70s and floral. The shoot took place at Motel Studios in Shoreditch

On Friday I wrote up the credits for the shoot which involves messaging the relevant PRs for the prices of the pieces used, as well as listing all the stockists and info about hair / makeup / photographers etc! Also I helped pack up for the celebrity shoot on Monday (which I went on but more about that later!) as well as process lots of returns. The returns pile became so much smaller after mine, Daisy (the fashion assistant) and Mary's hard work, which meant come 6pm I was ready to go home and nap!

The other parts of this series can be found here - week oneweek three and week four

Kisses, Chlo x

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